Climate Whistleblowers
CW protects individuals who expose wrongdoings that worsen the climate crisis and helps them have a greater impact.
our mission
Climate Whistleblowers
Climate Whistleblowers (CW) seeks to defend whistleblowers, as well as strategically litigate and advocate on their behalf where their disclosures speak to climate-related issues
our missionBlow the whistle
CW provides secure communication channels to reach us.
Have information on climate-related wrongdoings?
blow the whistleWho we are
We support whistleblowers
A climate whistleblower is a person who discloses information about abuses that worsen the climate crisis in order to protect the environment and public health.
who we areWho we are
We support whistleblowers
A climate whistleblower is a person who discloses information about abuses that worsen the climate crisis in order to protect the environment and public health.
who we are